If you are looking for coherence, conciseness, clarity then I advice you to use your mouse to click away to the farthest corner of cyberspace you can find…Welcome, you have stumbled upon my personal junkyard in cyberspace. Proudly published here is the clutter I have accumulated at the back of my mind since I first started trying to make sense of the magnificent chaos called life. So if you possess a temperament for the orderly, if inconsistency puts you out of countenance or if chaos is too harsh for your fair sensibilities consider yourself forewarned. If you, however, still decide to stick around long enough to check it out, scattered around are a handful of choice verses, favorite anecdotes, extensive rambling about anything and everything under the sun, opinions about opinions, pages of troubled scribbling, very, very elegant wailing about matters that matter etc. etc. etc. Much of what you find here would not make sense. But that’s all right, I didn’t intend it to. According to me the biggest obligation the world, forces upon ones person is sense. I believe if there weren’t so many sensible people around everything would make more sense…but here I go again, right in the middle of my foreword. Anyways, with all those highly entertaining and informative sites out there, this is a welcome change. Enjoy, detest or whatever...

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Cold Spots

Ralph found himself remembering times in his life when he'd hit the emotional equivalent of a cold spot while swimming or clear air turbulence while flying. You'd be cruising along through your day, sometimes feeling great, sometimes feeling just okay, but getting along and getting it done ... and then, for no apparent reason at all, you'd go down in flames and crash. A sense of What the hell's the use would slide over you - unconnected to any real event in your life at that moment but incredibly powerful all the same - and you felt like simply creeping back to bed and pulling the covers up over your head.
- From Insomnia by Stephen King

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Disclaimer: Any resemblance between the above views and those of my employer, my terminal or the view out of my window are purely coincidental. Any resemblance between the above and my own views is non-deterministic. The question of the existence of views in the absence of anyone to hold them is left as an exercise for the reader. The question of the existence of the reader is left as an exercise of the second god co-efficient. (A discussion of non-orthogonal, non-integral polytheism is beyond the scope of this blog.)